Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Make A Difference: The Ronald McDonald House

Preparing food for the families at the Ronald McDonald House was so fulfilling to me as well as the group of women who dedicated their time and cooking skills to making this event a success!  Linda, Kiarra, Mahagony, Camille and Lisa for caring enough to share :)  The food was delicious!  My mom made some chicken wings and they were so good.  She even got a bow from one of the children staying at the Ronald McDonald House.  She always gets thumbs up from me.  My sis brought in some beverage, Mahagony not only made but created a taste full and beautiful salad.  This was my first time having wine grapes.  The are so tiny almost like raisins.  Perfect for salads.  Lisa did her thang on the pound cakes although her presence was greatly missed she made sure she helped with one of the sweetest gift.  Camille added to our menu list some wheat rolls and I followed with loaded mash potato's.  After all the families were served we all got an chance to eat.  Following our dinner we received a tour of the building from Lauren (oh she's so sweet).  This facility is gorgeous! Over 35,000 sq feet and very well decorated.  One wall was covered with 3 metal trees with leaves.  On each leaf was a name of a family who had dedicated.  Another wall had a mural with the history of the Ronald McDonald House.  I think my favorite part of the tour was when my mother read one of the journals that a previous family had written.  It was truly encouraging it see the testimony of these families and how thankful they were for the comfort and kindness they received from the Ronald McDonald House.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First Volunteer Event: The Ronald McDonald House of Hyde Park IL

As a hair stylist I not only feel it is important to offer a service in which I love to do (Hair) but also offer help to those in need.  I am so excited about our outreach event tomorrow for the Ronald McDonald House of Hyde Park IL.  This will be the first of many volunteer opportunities you can participate in and be apart of.  Tomorrow me and my team will be feeding 25-30 people.  Attached you will find info about this event.  If you would like to participate in future volunteer opportunities send me a message via email stating "Yes I would like to help MAKE A DIFFERENCE"  Remember it is more blessed to give that receive.  Hope to work with you soon.  Special thanks to Linda King, Kiarra King, Garreth Daniels, Antwon Leach, Camille Clark, Lisa Pride and Mahagany Honey for preparing food for this wonderful event.

Your Stylist
Ashieka Daniels

Liza Daniels Is The Winner Of The Total Hair Makeover and Mini Photo Shoot

This contest has some very tuff competition.  We had 10 contestants that took their chance at winning a Total Hair Makeover and Mini Photo Shoot with Stylist Ashieka Daniels.  This contest started on September 16 and ended Wednesday September 28th at 6 am.  Although all the women who desired to win gave it a good shot 4 contestants stand out in my mind.  Liza Daniels (winner) Katrina Grants (runner up), Kattrina Fiztgerald and Latrice Early.  Liza Daniels actually entered this contest late.  The other top 3 contestants had 25-40 likes before she even began.  Although the road was tuff for the number 1 spot Liza Daniels did it.  Congrat again to Liza Daniels!!!!  Your hard work will be well rewarded! 

Friday, September 16, 2011


I just had to share this message I received from a client today. 

Ashieka...agn THAAAANK YOU SOOOOO VERY MUCH 4 2day Sweetie...frm the bottom of my heart! My mom LOOOOOVED IT...LOL & so did Kourt & they really wld like 2 come also...we definitely will be giving YOU a call very soon! Love You honeycomb! HALLELUJAH my hair is done & sooooo PERFECT that I can't see myslf @ any other hair salon...lbvvvs! YOU ROCK Shieka! S/N: Thxs 4 the tlk 2day! :)

Liza Daniels


Friday, September 9, 2011

Lashes. Lashes. Lashes.

The secrets out.  The stars have worn them, television personalities have worn them and now it's your turn.  Enhance your beauty, you deserve it!  Create sexy, full, and glamorous eyelash extensions in 30 minutes.  Book your appointment today with Stylist Ashieka Daniels.  (Above you will see that one eye has eyelash extensions applied while the other is left unfinished so that you can see the amazing difference.)

The Honeycomb Network Welcomes Dr. Kiarra King

Hello Honeycomb Network Members! My name is Kiarra King. I have joined an Ob/gyne practice and will be starting at the end of this month. The practice, Parkside Obstetrics & Gynecology is located in the professional building at Lutheran General Hospital in Parkridge. If you or someone you know are in need of a new physician please feel free to contact me.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Get The Word Out! Visit Stylist Ashieka Daniels Fan Page Today!

Hey Guys I have a goal of getting 200 more "Likes" to my Fan Page. Tell your family tell your friends to check out "Stylist Ashieka Daniels" on facebook. I have great photo albums to check out and offer giveaways and discounts throughout the week! Don't miss anything I have to offer! "LIKE" me to today. Visit Stylist Ashieka Daniels at

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Look....New Logo!

I am so happy to share my new logo.  Not much needs to be said.  Check it out. I love it!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Honeycomb Network Welcomes Jason Hudson

Jason Hudson is owner of Point 25.  He is a graphic artist as well as photographer.  I came across his talent via facebook and have not looked back.  He is a wonderful person to work with and very skilled at his craft.  From the first concept draft for my logo he got a thumbs up from me.  If you haven't yet check him out on facebook he won't let you down.  New logo coming soon.