Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Step by Step

Getting everything together no matter what you do takes time when you want it done right.  Each day I'm putting in the work to create what I believe is possible.  By faith I continue to get my things in order. Step by Step I am completing tasks.  The list is getting shorter and I'm getting closer to my goal. Many of you that know me know that I'm a photographer as well.  I guess you may be asking "Where are all the pictures?"  Hold your horses : ) they're coming.  Just make sure you do your part and sign up to follow the blog and "like" my Fan page on FB, so you won't miss the posting of the 1st Month Specials that I will be posting.  Stay tuned, the deals will be what you've been waiting for!  I'll be coming back to the salon this Summer.  Get ready Chicago,  I'm baaaacccckkkkkk!!!